Aarron Deliu
Aarron Deliu Racing

Aarron Deliu
- United States
- Aarron Deliu Racing
Aarron Deliu is an Australian professional aerobatic and air race pilot, international airshow
performer, and commercial business jet pilot with a passion for aviation that began at an early age.
Aarron is the current reigning Air Masters Cup Series Champion and Sky Grand Prix Champion. Before this, Aarron held many other titles, including the Australian Unlimited Aerobatics Champion, Australian Freestyle Aerobatics Champion, and International Danube Cup Champion, as well as qualifying as a Red Bull Air Race Rookie.
Aarron is an experienced multidimensional international aviator whose skillset spans from high-performance air race and aerobatic aircraft, business jets, gliders, helicopters, and seaplanes, to fighter jets with the versatility to operate across numerous countries. He has accumulated over 7,700 hours flying over 70 aircraft types.
Now residing in the United States, Aarron continues to compete in international aerobatic and air race competitions and performs high-adrenaline interactive air shows and extraordinary special video projects worldwide.